Wheel Throwing Classes


Wheel Throwing Class

A one-on-one wheel-throwing class will be $90 for 1.5 hours. 

  • Each class will start with a demo, and then you will be free to experiment with your own clay on the wheel. Your instructor, Emily Tobin, will be there to guide you through the throwing process as you get a feel for the wheel. 

  • You will be provided with all the tools and materials you’ll need at each lesson, so unless you prefer to use your own tools, there is no need to bring anything. You will be given enough clay to stay busy for 90 minutes. 

  • If you would like to keep your piece, you can sign up for an additional glazing class or you can choose to have it glazed for you. You will be able to bring your piece home and keep it forever!


Wheel Throwing Class

Bring a friend for a two-person wheel-throwing class! This 1.5 hour class will be $75 each, giving you both a $15 discount!

  • We have two wheels in the studio, so you’ll each have your own wheel to work with.

  • The two-person class will run similarly to the single-person class, it just gives you an opportunity to bring a friend.